属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-竞选的失败者 心理疾病要走出阴影
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-竞选的失败者 心理疾病要走出阴影
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-竞选的失败者 心理疾病要走出阴影
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-竞选的失败者 心理疾病要走出阴影
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-竞选的失败者 心理疾病要走出阴影
1 | 由团体分析探究生病经验 | Self Experience of Mental Illness in Group-analytic Process | |
2 | 躁郁症:一种精神疾病,以反复出现躁狂和抑郁状态为特征。 | Bipolar disorder (or manic-depressive psychosis):Mental illness characterized by the alternation of manic and depressive states. | |
3 | 而现在,他说,不仅越来越多的名人不再害怕公开谈论自己的心里疾病,而且这也成了主要的政治问题之一。 | Now, he says, not only are more celebrities unafraid to talk openly about their mental illness , but it appears to have entered the mainstream as a political issue. | |
4 | 史鲁尼科洛福特先生说这表明了随着对心理疾病的羞耻感不断减少人们越来越有自信去寻找帮助。 | This may show that people are feeling confident enough to seek help as the stigma of mental illness decreases, says Mr Thornicroft. | |
5 | 新的规定限制每个心理疾病患者急诊需要等待的时长,正如在意外急诊部门的外伤4小时限制。 | New rules limit how long a patient with acute mental illness should wait, just like the four-hour limits for physical maladies in A&E. | |
6 | 由于在社区没有提供足够的心理治疗,最近的调查显示有心理疾病来急诊的数量比2011-2012年到2015-2016年间翻了一倍。 | With not enough mental-health care provided in the community, recent research has found that the number of people with mental illness coming to A&E doubled between 2011-12 and 2015-16. | |
7 | 由于政府财政对心理疾病的支出存在漏洞,这部分资金在过去就常常用来填补医院急诊或其他领域的空缺。 | Since government money for mental illness is not ring-fenced, it is often used to plug gaps in funding for emergency hospital care or other areas. | |
8 | “精神病”这个词很难下定义。 | The term ‘mental illness ’ is difficult to define. | |
9 | 《秘鲁利马严重与长期精神病描述的性别经验》,昌塔尔·罗比拉德,加拿大渥太华大学人口健康研究所 | The gendered experience of stigmatization in severe and persistent mental illness in Lima, Peru | |
10 | 1960年代后期,毛泽东思想将所有的精神疾病都归为未能正确理解阶级斗争。 | From the late 1960s, Maoist thought attributed any mental illness to an incorrect appreciation of the class struggle. | |
11 | Brashaw也强烈拥护让精神疾病走出羞怯、窘迫的阴影。 | Bradshaw has also been a forceful advocate for bringing mental illness out of the closet. | |
12 | Kraepelin拒绝接受将精神疾病的原因归结为先天性欲或早年性经验的心理分析理论。 | Kraepelin rejected the psychoanalytical theories that placed innate sexuality or early sexual experiences at the root of mental illness . | |
13 | Rosner又解释说:“那些童年患有分离焦虑症或者其它精神疾病人在这方面会有较高的风险。” | "Someone who had a separation anxiety disorder or other mental illness as a child may also be at increased risk, " Rosner said. | |
14 | Tripp进一步推测是由于他妻子的精神疾病引起林肯的性行为冷淡。 | Tripp went so far as to suggest that Lincoln’s sexual indifference is what contributed to his wife’s mental illness . | |
15 | 阿兹海默医生是第一个注意到这个问题的人,问题源于一个女精神病人的大脑组织的改变。 | Dr. Alzheimer was the first to notice the changes in the brain tissue of a woman who died of an mental illness . | |
16 | 安德瑞森觉得,创意思维与精神疾病之间的联系一点也不令人出乎意料,因为它们都为人们提供了看待世界的崭新或独特的视角。 | The link between creativity and mental illness should not be surprising, since both offer new or unique views of the world, Andreasen noted. | |
17 | 本陶认为,我们需要的是对精神疾病的总体改观,不次于一种文化的整体改变。 | In Bentall’s view, we need nothing less than a wholesale culture-change in our approach to mental illness . | |
18 | 成为一个一天24小时病房的患者,人们得到对精神疾病的特别的观点。 | One gains a unique perspective on mental illness by being a consumer on a hospital ward, 24 hours a day. | |
19 | 此后4年中,有同性恋倾向被界定为心理疾病。 | Homosexuality was classed as a mental illness for four years after that. | |
20 | 此外,其他的变量,比如父母、兄弟姐妹的精神病史也是评价样本个体患精神分裂症的影响因素。 | Several variables, such as maternal, paternal and sibling history of mental illness were accounted for in evaluating these risk levels. | |
21 | 大脑的多巴胺系统出现了物质滥用与精神疾病的问题 | Problems with the brain’s dopamine system have been linked to substance abuse and mental illness . | |
22 | 代表患病囚犯利益的加州鹈鹕湾监狱“特号”案件结果不如预期。 | A lawsuit on behalf of prisoners with mental illness in California’s Pelican Bay super max prison produced less than ideal results. | |
23 | 但就在这一阶段,她也拜访精神分析师帮助她对付她的精神疾病。 | But during this period, she also saw a psychoanalyst to help her manage her mental illness . | |
24 | 但是假如长期与精神疾病患者同床共枕或是伴侣多多少少有这方面问题,这会对性关系有何影响呢? | But what about how living with a mental illness or having a partner with one or more can affect sexual relationships? | |
25 | 但是人们仍然担心新准则可能将正常行为和精神疾病的界限变模糊。 | This does not reassure those who are concerned that the new criteria may blur the boundaries between normal behaviour and mental illness . | |
26 | 但在中国,医生和自杀行为干预者们忽视了此种精神疾患,而将精力集中于改善家庭条件。 | But in China, doctors and suicide prevention activists play down mental illness and focus on improving conditions in the home. | |
27 | 当地媒体报导说,嫌疑人有精神病史,曾有犯罪记录。 | Local media reported that the suspect has a history of mental illness and a criminal past. | |
28 | 当时梵高精神病复发,又沉迷于苦艾酒,这样即使是他割耳这个例子也能解释清楚。 | Even the example about Van Gogh can be explained away because of his recurring mental illness and addiction to absinthe. | |
29 | 调查报告显示杀人犯是独自行动的,根据他的家庭猜测它可能有精神病史。 | Reports suggest that the murderer acted alone. The suspect had a history of mental illness , according to his family. | |
30 | 对于其他的青少年,童话使他们更易理解同伴“特别的”行为、削弱了对精神疾病的刻板印象。 | For the other youngsters, the stories take the edge off their friends’ "unusual" behavior and undercut stereotypes about mental illness . |